Friday, April 22, 2016


Why, all of my life, Lord, 
have they laughed and made fun at my expense only it seems
of those things of which I have absolutely no control over?
I mean, I WAS knit together in my mother's womb,
fearfully and wonderfully made
by you.
So why?
Yes, I look too much like my father.
Guess what? Dad has been dead for over a decade!
Yes, I speak in a breathy whisper.
So did Marilyn Monroe.
So what?
Are you perfect?
I mean, those who throw stones....
Assuming you have read God's word.

God made me exactly the way I was meant to be.

As I dig deeper and deeper into His Word,
I receive the wisdom and strength 
I have unceasingly, on my knees,
mostly figuratively,
prayed for over a decade.

Even though I, myself, am a vegetarian,
I want to eat meat
and stop being a baby and drinking milk.
And the beauteous thing is,
the more you learn of God,
the more you realize there
is so much more
of Him.

All I want, Jesus,
is to just
reverently touch
the hem of your robe.

Proverbs 4:23 - Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips.

Proverbs 12:18 - The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

Proverbs 12:25 - Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.

Proverbs 13:12 - Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.

Proverbs 15:1 - A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Proverbs 15:4 - The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit.

Proverbs 21:23 - Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity. 

Proverbs 20:26 - An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.

Proverbs 20:9 - Who can say, "I have kept my heart pure; I am clean and without sin"?

Proverbs 16:31 - Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness.

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