Monday, December 1, 2014

Is this why?

If you haven't suffered,
how can you empathize?
If you haven't been belittled,
how can you sympathize?
If you haven't felt excruciating pain,
how can you encourage others who've felt the same?
If you haven't been discouraged
by those that should have shown you love,
how can you lead them to Jesus,
the only one who knows true love?
Is this why I've been put here,
to help others through the horrible pain
of being made to feel invisible
then brought out only when it's time to explain?
Will I reap the rewards promised to me?
Is there streets of gold waiting?
But, to be honest with you,
all I really care about
is sitting at my Lord and Savior's feet.
I look into the sunset,
and all I see is His face.

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