Monday, December 1, 2014

This is what I want

I hear you from the pulpit,
saying things I don't understand
and dressed like you're headed for the sand,
making up jokes along the way
as if that was the most important thing to say.
When did it become okay
to say derogatory things
about other denominations,
as if they were a joke
and you had the only answer?
When did it become okay
to stand on holy ground
dressed like a clown?
Am I just getting old
and don't understand
that it's passe to not give alter calls
or lay hands on the sick, praying for a miracle?
Have we forgotten that Jesus is the same today
as He was yesterday?
I need a miracle.
I need to be anointed with oil.
Is it too much to ask
to go back to the old ways?
To pray for the sick
and to have some respect?
Whatever happened to communion?
Is that, too, a thing of the past?
Are we experiencing itching ear syndrome,
just giving them what they want?
I'm not afraid to tell others that Jesus is the only way.
I've lost family over it, but aren't souls worth more than that?
I want to plant seeds,
I want to shine my light,
I want to spread the glorious word
that Jesus, God's only son, sacrificed His life.
He shed his blood.
We are loved.

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