Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The answer is a simple one (RVD)

Maybe I'm just a simple person,
raised in a simple world,
bruised and battered,
but some day soon that will no longer matter,
except for those who have to answer.
But this one thing I know,
even though I'm unable to show and can only say
that Jesus is the only way.
He is God's son,
the only one,
the bridge,
our advocate.
He sits at God's right side
and pleads our case day and night.
We can be the best person in the world,
but that won't ever be enough.
We must without hesitation
open our hearts and invite Jesus in.
He won't come if we don't want him to.
He won't force his way in.
If we don't want him here and now
on this side,
why would He invite us
to spend an eternity by HIS side?
I know the pc thing today
is to say 
that there are other ways.
But there aren't.
And I'm not sorry to say
that there never will be.
Works won't do it,
only faith that the living God
sent His son
so we could be forgiven.
"Forgiven for what?" you may ask.
You may think you've done nothing wrong.
But the Word of God is very clear in this;
that we are all born into sin.
I've been told before
that I only see in black and white,
and I guess that's a good thing
when heaven is in sight.
There is no gray area where eternity is concerned.
Jesus died, then He rose and went down to get the keys
so that you and me
could live for eternity.
Forever and ever lying in the light
created by His brightness.
What other way
would you want to spend
in a Garden where there is no end,
with love to spare,
no cares,
no pain,
no more tears to collect,
no fears.
That's a rhetorical question.
And here's something you don't know -
Even to this day,
I'm scared of the dark
because I know
what lurks in the corner shadows.
But Jesus' light
will shine so brightly
that absolutely nothing will be able to hide.
They will be too scared,
and they won't be allowed.
And that alone
brings me peace
down into my little girl soul.
I just want to go home.
Pretty please.

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